Report of meeting BSCRS-Sobeveco – of 5-10-16

(Secretary: Dr. Fernand De Wilde)

We start our meeting with one minute of silence in honour to Dr Rene Trau who recently passed away.

1. Approval of the report of our previous board meeting.

2. VAT reglementation:
On the membership fees there is no VAT charge. On the inscription of our congresses we do have to pay VAT.
The notary Miss. De Herdt Julie will be invited to our next board meeting to inform us on this delicate matter.Robert Van Horenbeeck will organise this.

3. OB 2016 program update Peter & Benoit.
They will send us the final program.

4. We will not participate to the Amico meeting this year due to the overlap with our joint BSCRS/ESCRS meeting in Maastricht.

5. AOB:
Up to now we had Peter Stalmans congress retina, also the Carl Claes retina Congress. A new young congress is coming up, The Brussels Retina Meeting organised by Dr.E. Balie and J. Depla. They want to organise this meeting with the support of AOB office.
We do not agree with this.

6. Bscrs spring meeting.

Proposition Saturday 22 April
Location: Chappelle Reine Elisabeth , Tervuren

7. Next winter meeting: BSCRS/ NOG/ ESCRS
We will have a seperate room for our annual members meeting. Prof Dr. R. Nuyts proposes the title: Ophthalmology of “de lage landen”.
“Visual optics course” for OBAO members: proposition to offer the inscription to the residents is accepted.

8. AOB:
Residents in training can join our society for free when they assist to one of our scientific meetings. They can become a vast member after one year.
We better join SOOS-BBO-Bevas to have one global package deal (which would cost 75 euro extra).
The eye surgeons who join our society are notified on a list marked on our website. Insurance companies will consult this website to find a certified refractive and cataract surgeon.

9. Surgical training resident:
This is very expensive.

10. Medical honoraria:
Inami number for cataract: a new description is upcoming “cataract surgery reimbursed except in cases of refractive purposes”.

11. Next board meeting:
13 december

Yours truly,